first quarter moon face Emoji

First quarter moon face

🌛 U+1F31B • travel-places

First quarter moon face emoji meaning

The first quarter moon face emoji is a graphical representation of a face with closed eyes and a crescent-shaped mouth, usually on a yellow face. It depict a phase of the Moon, where exactly half of the Moon is illuminated by sunlight and the other half is in darkness, the illuminated portion looks like a semicircle. This emoji is typically used to represent the phase of the moon where it is visible in the sky, often used to represent a time of progress, change, and growth. It can also be used to indicate a sense of uncertainty or confusion in some contexts. It is usually associated with the lunar cycle, night-time and the moon phases.

Copy and paste the first quarter moon face emoji

Copy the first quarter moon face emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.

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First quarter moon face in other languages

How first quarter moon face looks on other platforms

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first quarter moon face Docomo emoji


first quarter moon face Openmoji emoji


  • Full Name: first quarter moon face
  • Category: travel-places
  • Unicode: U+1F31B
  • Hex code point: 1F31B
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