Frequently Asked Questions

On every emoji listing on the website you will notice a icon in the upper right corner. Clicking this icon will add an emoji to your collection which can be viewed by clicking the Collection link in the header of the website.

Creators with 20,000 downloads or more can customise their profile with an about me and bio link. To do this navigate to your profile and click the "edit profile" link.

If your emoji was denied for the reason "broken image" this usually means that the link you submitted does not directly lead to an image. This could mean your image link expired, was deleted or was not a direct url to the image. Direct links to images will end in .png or .gif

If your emoji was denied for the reason "already exists" this usually means that the emoji you submitted already exists in our database. Please avoid submitting duplicate emojis to our website.

If your emoji was denied for the reason "remove background" this usually means that the emoji you submitted had a solid color background. Most emojis should be transparent to ensure they look great in both dark and light themes.

If your emoji was denied for the reason "rectangle images do not make good emoji" this usually means that the emoji you submitted was rectangle in size. Emojis should have equal width sides to look the best when used on Discord and Slack.

If your emoji was denied for the reason "remove whitespace" this usually means that the emoji you submitted has a lot of unused space surrounding the actual image. This will make the emoji look really small when used and should be removed.

If your emoji pack was denied for the reason "packs should follow a set theme" this usually means that the pack you submitted was not following a theme. Packs should be collections of closely related emojis based on a theme such as "zero two emojis" or "pink aesthetic emojis".

If the bot is offline in your server but online in our support server, it usually means the shard or cluster your server is on is down. It will usually reconnect within a few minutes.

This means we've probably hit a ratelimit with Discords API. If the bot isn't responding to your e!add commands don't worry, the bot will process the command and add your emoji after a couple of minutes.

Emojis can take up to 7 days to be reviewed, you can check if your emoji has been reviewed or not in your dashboard.

Emoji and total user download counts update once per day.

The team manually selects and verifys creators at our own discretion. Verified creators consistently upload high quality, unique content to our website.

First, you will need to join the Discord server and click on the server name. In the dropdown you will see an option for "Linked roles". Clicking on this will direct you to authenticate on our website and you should now have the role and stats on Discord.

First, you will need to login to and navigate to your dashboard. There you should see a link called "Refresh connection data", clicking this will update your stats on Discord.