🌗 last quarter moon emoji

What does the 🌗 last quarter moon emoji mean?

The last quarter moon emoji is a graphical representation of the phase of the moon as it appears in the sky when half of the illuminated side of the moon is visible and opposite of the first quarter moon phase. This phase occurs when the Moon is located at a 90-degree angle between the Sun and Earth, with the illuminated half facing away from Earth. In this phase, the Moon appears as half a circle, with the illuminated half being on the left side. This phase can also be referred to as the "third quarter" as it marks the third quarter of the lunar cycle, which began at the new moon and will end at the next new moon. This emoji can indicate that a task or project is nearing completion, or to indicate a specific date in a lunar-based calendar.

Copy and paste the last quarter moon emoji

Copy the last quarter moon emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.

How last quarter moon looks on other platforms

  • Twitter
    last quarter moon Twitter emoji
  • Google
    last quarter moon Google emoji
  • Apple
    last quarter moon Apple emoji
  • Microsoft
    last quarter moon Microsoft emoji
  • Facebook
    last quarter moon Facebook emoji
  • Messenger
    last quarter moon Messenger emoji
  • Whatsapp
    last quarter moon Whatsapp emoji
  • Samsung
    last quarter moon Samsung emoji
  • Lg
    last quarter moon Lg emoji
  • Htc
    last quarter moon Htc emoji
  • Mozilla
    last quarter moon Mozilla emoji
  • Softbank
    last quarter moon Softbank emoji
  • Docomo
    last quarter moon Docomo emoji
  • Openmoji
    last quarter moon Openmoji emoji

Information about the 🌗 last quarter moon emoji

  • Full Name: 🌗 last quarter moon
  • Category: travel-places
  • How to type shortcode:
  • Unicode (fully qualified): U+1F317
  • Hex code point: 1F317

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