Browse News Unicode Emojis, view their definitionsemoji images and advanced information.
Emoji | Unicode | Category |
🫢 face with open eyes and hand over mouth | U+1FAE2 |
🤯 exploding head | U+1F92F |
🤩 star-struck | U+1F929 |
📬 open mailbox with raised flag | U+1F4EC |
📨 incoming envelope | U+1F4E8 |
🗞 rolled-up newspaper | U+1F5DE |
📰 newspaper | U+1F4F0 |
📺 television | U+1F4FA |
📻 radio | U+1F4FB |
💣 bomb | U+1F4A3 |
💃 woman dancing | U+1F483 |
👶 baby | U+1F476 |
🙉 hear-no-evil monkey | U+1F649 |
😱 face screaming in fear | U+1F631 |
😲 astonished face | U+1F632 |
😯 hushed face | U+1F62F |
😮 face with open mouth | U+1F62E |
😄 grinning face with smiling eyes | U+1F604 |
😃 grinning face with big eyes | U+1F603 |
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