🐦 U+1F426 • birds
The phoenix emoji represents a mythical bird associated with fiery colors such as orange, yellow, and red, symbolizing flame, rebirth, and resilience. This bird is often linked to tales of renewal, as it is said to rise from its own ashes after being consumed by fire. The emoji is commonly used to express themes of starting over, overcoming difficulties, or embracing transformation. It serves as a powerful reminder of strength, hope, and the ability to grow through challenges.
The phoenix emoji was approved and added in Emoji 15.1, see related proposal L2/23033
birdsascendascensionemergefantasyfirebirdgloryimmortalrebirthreincarnationreinventrenewalrevivalreviverisetransformCopy the phoenix emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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