🫢 U+1FAE2 • faces-with-hands
The face with open eyes and hand over mouth emoji shows a face with wide, open eyes and a hand covering the mouth. This design represents many different emotions, such as surprise, shock, amazement, or even embarrassment. It suggests a reaction to something unexpected or meaningful, like hearing surprising news, experiencing a sudden realization, or witnessing something astonishing. The hand over the mouth is often used to symbolize being speechless or holding back words in response to a powerful moment. This versatile emoji is widely used in conversations to express a variety of emotional reactions, making it both relatable and impactful.
The face with open eyes and hand over mouth emoji was approved in Unicode 14.0 and added in Emoji 14.0, see related proposal L2/19304
faces-with-handsamazementawedisbeliefembarrasseyesfacegasphandmouthomgopenoverquietscaredshocksurpriseCopy the face with open eyes and hand over mouth emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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