Browse Internet Unicode Emojis, view their definitionsemoji images and advanced information.
Emoji | Unicode | Category |
🛜 wireless | U+1F6DC |
🧌 troll | U+1F9CC |
🧑 technologist | U+1F9D1 |
📶 antenna bars | U+1F4F6 |
☁ cloud | U+2601 |
🌐 globe with meridians | U+1F310 |
U+1F4E7 |
💳 credit card | U+1F4B3 |
📡 satellite antenna | U+1F4E1 |
📹 video camera | U+1F4F9 |
📸 camera with flash | U+1F4F8 |
📷 camera | U+1F4F7 |
🖱 computer mouse | U+1F5B1 |
🖥 desktop computer | U+1F5A5 |
💻 laptop | U+1F4BB |
📱 mobile phone | U+1F4F1 |
👎 thumbs down | U+1F44E |
👍 thumbs up | U+1F44D |
🤳 selfie | U+1F933 |
👩 woman technologist | U+1F469 |
👨 man technologist | U+1F468 |
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