🧌 U+1F9CC • fantasy
The troll emoji represents a mythical creature often found in folklore. Trolls are usually described as large, unattractive, and human-like beings that live in caves, forests, or under bridges. These creatures are a common part of fairy tales and fantasy stories. The troll emoji can be used in conversations about myths, legends, or fantasy worlds. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to internet trolls, which are people who intentionally provoke or irritate others online. This emoji helps convey ideas about mischief, troublemaking, or fantasy themes in a fun and visual way.
The troll emoji was approved in Unicode 14.0 and added in Emoji 14.0, see related proposal L2/19399
fantasyfairyfantasymonstertaletrollingCopy the troll emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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