Browse Changing Unicode Emojis, view their definitionsemoji images and advanced information.
Emoji | Unicode | Category |
🧑 family: adult, child, child | U+1F9D1 |
👨 man feeding baby | U+1F468 |
↪ left arrow curving right | U+21AA |
🚼 baby symbol | U+1F6BC |
🌂 closed umbrella | U+1F302 |
🌦 sun behind rain cloud | U+1F326 |
⛅ sun behind cloud | U+26C5 |
🌙 crescent moon | U+1F319 |
⚙ gear | U+2699 |
💱 currency exchange | U+1F4B1 |
🎚 level slider | U+1F39A |
🍲 pot of food | U+1F372 |
🌰 chestnut | U+1F330 |
🌳 deciduous tree | U+1F333 |
🌲 evergreen tree | U+1F332 |
🌷 tulip | U+1F337 |
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