🌦️ U+1F326 • travel-places
The sun behind rain cloud emoji typically depicts a yellow or orange sun partially obscured by a dark grey cloud, with droplets of rain falling from it. The sun is usually shown as a circle with rays or beams emanating from it, and the cloud is usually shown as a dark grey, fluffy, shape. The cloud may cover only a portion of the sun, such as the top or bottom of it. The droplets of rain usually illustrated with a few circles or lines coming out from the bottom of the cloud, indicating the rain falling. This emoji is often used to represent a rainy day, or indicate that there is bad weather or an obstacle to overcome. It could also be used to express a sense of hope, that even though there might be challenges or difficulties, the positive aspects of it still shines through. This emoji can also indicate the concept that a new start or fresh beginning can come after the rainy weather.
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