🚷 U+1F6B7 • warnings
The no pedestrians emoji shows a traffic sign that features a person walking, enclosed in a red circle with a diagonal line crossing through the image. This design is commonly used worldwide as a symbol to indicate that walking or pedestrian access is not allowed in a specific area. The purpose of this symbol is to communicate that the location is restricted to foot traffic, often for safety reasons or to follow certain rules or regulations. It is typically seen in places such as construction zones, highways, or other areas where walking could be dangerous or disruptive. This emoji can also be used in digital conversations to signal that walking is prohibited, to enforce rules, or to warn about restricted access.
The no pedestrians emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09114
warningsforbiddennonotpedestrianpedestriansprohibitedCopy the no pedestrians emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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