🙅 U+1F645 • gender-male
The man gesturing NO emoji shows a man with his arms crossed above his head in the shape of an X. This body language is commonly used to express rejection, disagreement, or to indicate that something is not allowed. It can also communicate the meaning of "no" or "not good." The pose clearly conveys a strong sense of prohibition or disapproval. This emoji can be helpful in conversations to politely decline, disagree, or emphasize that something is unacceptable without using words. It is part of a broader group of emojis that include gestures for expressing emotions or actions in a visual way. The man gesturing NO emoji is often customized across platforms, with slight differences in appearance, including variations in clothing and hairstyle.
The man gesturing NO emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0
gender-malegesturesforbiddengesturehandmannonotprohibitCopy the man gesturing NO emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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