😵 U+1F635 • unwell-faces
The face with spiral eyes emoji shows a face with its eyes replaced by spirals and a mouth that looks wavy or zig-zagged. This facial expression suggests feelings of confusion, disorientation, or being overwhelmed. People often use this emoji to represent emotions like shock, amazement, or a sense of being mentally or physically off-balance, as though experiencing dizziness or vertigo. It might also symbolize being hypnotized or caught off guard, as if something surprising has left the person in a dazed state. This emoji is a helpful way to show moments when things feel too much or when someone is trying to describe a dizzying or chaotic experience.
The face with spiral eyes emoji was approved and added in Emoji 13.1, see related proposal L2/20131
unwell-facesconfuseddizzyeyesfacehypnotizedomgsmileyspiraltroublewhoawoahwoozyCopy the face with spiral eyes emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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