🙈 U+1F648 • monkey-faces
The see-no-evil monkey emoji shows a cartoon-like monkey covering its eyes with both hands. This image comes from the "see no evil" idea, which is part of the famous proverb of the three wise monkeys. These monkeys represent the concepts of "see no evil," "hear no evil," and "speak no evil." People often use this emoji in a fun or lighthearted way to show they are pretending not to see something, whether it is awkward, embarrassing, or something they are trying to avoid, like spoilers for a movie or show. It can also be used to express playful shyness or surprise.
The see-no-evil monkey emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09026
monkey-facesembarrassedevilfaceforbiddenforgotgesturehidemonkeynoomgprohibitedscaredsecretsmhwatchCopy the see-no-evil monkey emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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