π§ U+1F627 β’ concerned-faces
The anguished face emoji depicts a face with an expression of pain or distress. It typically shows raised or furrowed eyebrows, an open mouth with a frown, and wide, sorrowful eyes that reflect strong feelings of worry or unhappiness. This emoji is often used to express emotional discomfort, concern, or sadness when reacting to upsetting or disappointing situations. It can symbolize a sense of being overwhelmed, hurt, or deeply troubled by something, making it a helpful way to communicate emotions in a visual, simple way.
The anguished face emoji is also known as Anguished Emoji.
The anguished face emoji was approved in Unicode 6.1 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/10142
concerned-facesanguishedfaceforgotscaredscarystressedsurpriseunhappywhatwowCopy the anguished face emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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