Browse Print Unicode Emojis, view their definitionsemoji images and advanced information.
Emoji | Unicode | Category |
fingerprint | U+1FAC6 |
🏃 man running facing right | U+1F3C3 |
🧬 dna | U+1F9EC |
🦶 foot | U+1F9B6 |
🦓 zebra | U+1F993 |
🗞 rolled-up newspaper | U+1F5DE |
📰 newspaper | U+1F4F0 |
📄 page facing up | U+1F4C4 |
📃 page with curl | U+1F4C3 |
🔍 magnifying glass tilted left | U+1F50D |
🖨 printer | U+1F5A8 |
🐾 paw prints | U+1F43E |
👄 mouth | U+1F444 |
👣 footprints | U+1F463 |
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