Browse Election Unicode Emojis, view their definitionsemoji images and advanced information.
Emoji | Unicode | Category |
🪪 identification card | U+1FAAA |
🤏 pinching hand | U+1F90F |
🔘 radio button | U+1F518 |
✔ check mark | U+2714 |
☑ check box with check | U+2611 |
✅ check mark button | U+2705 |
⭕ hollow red circle | U+2B55 |
⬇ down arrow | U+2B07 |
⬆ up arrow | U+2B06 |
📍 round pushpin | U+1F4CD |
📊 bar chart | U+1F4CA |
📉 chart decreasing | U+1F4C9 |
📈 chart increasing | U+1F4C8 |
🗓 spiral calendar | U+1F5D3 |
📆 tear-off calendar | U+1F4C6 |
📅 calendar | U+1F4C5 |
🖊 pen | U+1F58A |
🗳 ballot box with ballot | U+1F5F3 |
🗞 rolled-up newspaper | U+1F5DE |
📰 newspaper | U+1F4F0 |
💬 speech balloon | U+1F4AC |
👀 eyes | U+1F440 |
✍ writing hand | U+270D |
👥 busts in silhouette | U+1F465 |
🙋 woman raising hand | U+1F64B |
🙋 man raising hand | U+1F64B |
🙋 person raising hand | U+1F64B |
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