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Emoji | Unicode | Category |
🦸 man superhero | U+1F9B8 |
💅 nail polish: dark skin tone | U+1F485 |
💅 nail polish: medium-dark skin tone | U+1F485 |
💅 nail polish: medium skin tone | U+1F485 |
💅 nail polish: medium-light skin tone | U+1F485 |
💅 nail polish: light skin tone | U+1F485 |
🇲 flag: Monaco | U+1F1F2 |
🇮 flag: Indonesia | U+1F1EE |
💯 hundred points | U+1F4AF |
✔ check mark | U+2714 |
☑ check box with check | U+2611 |
✅ check mark button | U+2705 |
⏳ hourglass not done | U+23F3 |
⌛ hourglass done | U+231B |
🏚 derelict house | U+1F3DA |
🔨 hammer | U+1F528 |
📇 card index | U+1F4C7 |
🕸 spider web | U+1F578 |
💅 nail polish | U+1F485 |
👨 man factory worker | U+1F468 |
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