Browse Cars Unicode Emojis, view their definitionsemoji images and advanced information.
Emoji | Unicode | Category |
🇨 flag: sark | U+1F1E8 |
🛞 wheel | U+1F6DE |
🅿 P button | U+1F17F |
🔰 Japanese symbol for beginner | U+1F530 |
🚨 police car light | U+1F6A8 |
⛽ fuel pump | U+26FD |
🚘 oncoming automobile | U+1F698 |
🚗 automobile | U+1F697 |
🚖 oncoming taxi | U+1F696 |
🚍 oncoming bus | U+1F68D |
🏎 racing car | U+1F3CE |
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