Browse Arrow Unicode Emojis, view their definitionsemoji images and advanced information.
Emoji | Unicode | Category |
🙂 head shaking vertically | U+1F642 |
🙂 head shaking horizontally | U+1F642 |
⚧ transgender symbol | U+26A7 |
🛗 elevator | U+1F6D7 |
🪘 long drum | U+1FA98 |
🧭 compass | U+1F9ED |
🇻 flag: U.S. Virgin Islands | U+1F1FB |
🇲 flag: Monaco | U+1F1F2 |
🇱 flag: Latvia | U+1F1F1 |
🇱 flag: St. Lucia | U+1F1F1 |
🇬 flag: Guyana | U+1F1EC |
♻ recycling symbol | U+267B |
♂ male sign | U+2642 |
⏬ fast down button | U+23EC |
🔽 downwards button | U+1F53D |
⏫ fast up button | U+23EB |
🔼 upwards button | U+1F53C |
⏮ last track button | U+23EE |
⏪ fast reverse button | U+23EA |
◀ reverse button | U+25C0 |
⏯ play or pause button | U+23EF |
⏭ next track button | U+23ED |
⏩ fast-forward button | U+23E9 |
▶ play button | U+25B6 |
🔂 repeat single button | U+1F502 |
🔁 repeat button | U+1F501 |
🔀 shuffle tracks button | U+1F500 |
♐ Sagittarius | U+2650 |
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