🤷 U+1F937 • gender-female
The woman shrugging emoji shows a woman with her hands raised and shoulders slightly lifted, representing a shrug. This gesture often symbolizes doubt, confusion, indifference, or a lack of knowledge about something. People commonly use it to convey that they are unsure about a topic or do not have an answer to a question. It can also be used to express a carefree or "oh well" attitude in response to something uncertain or out of their control. This emoji is part of the broader category of human-related gestures and emotions. It was first introduced to represent nonverbal communication in digital conversations, making it a versatile way to express feelings or reactions. The woman shrugging emoji offers a simple visual to help people quickly communicate their uncertainty or lack of concern in a situation.
The woman shrugging emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0, see related proposal L2/16160
gender-femalegesturesdoubtdunnoguessidkignoranceindifferenceknowsmaybeshrugshruggingwhateverwhowomanCopy the woman shrugging emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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