🤷 U+1F937 • gender-male
The man shrugging emoji shows a man raising his shoulders and holding his hands up, symbolizing doubt, uncertainty, or indifference. This emoji is often used when someone wants to communicate that they are unsure about something, have no idea what is happening, or are not particularly concerned about an outcome. It is a simple and lighthearted way to express confusion or a carefree attitude, making it a popular choice in casual conversations. The shrugging gesture itself is widely understood across cultures as a way of saying, "I do not know" or "Oh well," which adds a relatable and universal appeal to this emoji.
The man shrugging emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0
gender-malegesturesdoubtdunnoguessidkignoranceindifferenceknowsmanmaybeshrugshruggingwhateverwhoCopy the man shrugging emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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