🤦 U+1F926 • gender-female
The woman facepalming emoji shows a woman placing her hand on her forehead, a common gesture used to express feelings like frustration, disbelief, or embarrassment. This emoji is often used when reacting to a situation or someone's actions that seem shocking, disappointing, or simply hard to believe. It is a way to communicate the thought of "I cannot believe this just happened" or "Oh no!" in a visual and easily understood manner. The emoji has become a relatable and popular way to share moments of exasperation in text messages, social media posts, or other digital conversations.
The woman facepalming emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0, see related proposal L2/16160
gender-femalegesturestop-100againbewilderdisbeliefexasperationfacepalmnonotohomgshocksmhwomanCopy the woman facepalming emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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