🤦 U+1F926 • gender-male
The man facepalming emoji shows a man with his hand pressed against his face, a clear sign of frustration, disbelief, or irritation. This gesture is widely understood across cultures as a reaction to something surprising, awkward, or disappointing, often symbolizing the phrase "I can't believe this." People often use it to express embarrassment, either about their own mistakes or someone else's actions. It captures those moments when words might not be enough to convey feelings of exasperation or disbelief. This emoji helps communicate emotions related to personal blunders or situations that feel absurd or ridiculous.
The man facepalming emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0
gender-malegesturesagainbewilderdisbeliefexasperationfacepalmmannonotohomgshocksmhCopy the man facepalming emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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