sad but relieved face Emoji

Sad but relieved face

😥 U+1F625 • smileys-emotion

Sad but relieved face emoji meaning

The sad but relieved face emoji is a yellow, circular emoji with a face with a sad or disappointed expression and tears streaming down its cheeks, but with a relieved or happy expression as well, as if the person is feeling both sad and relieved at the same time. It is often used to show that someone is feeling sad but relieved, or to indicate that something is causing a mix of emotions. It can also be used to show that someone is feeling unhappy but relieved.

Copy and paste the sad but relieved face emoji

Copy the sad but relieved face emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.

😥 Click to copy

Sad but relieved face in other languages

How sad but relieved face looks on other platforms

sad but relieved face Twitter emoji


sad but relieved face Google emoji


sad but relieved face Apple emoji


sad but relieved face Microsoft emoji


sad but relieved face Facebook emoji


sad but relieved face Messenger emoji


sad but relieved face Whatsapp emoji


sad but relieved face Samsung emoji


sad but relieved face Lg emoji


sad but relieved face Htc emoji


sad but relieved face Mozilla emoji


sad but relieved face Softbank emoji


sad but relieved face Docomo emoji


sad but relieved face Openmoji emoji


  • Full Name: sad but relieved face
  • Category: smileys-emotion
  • Unicode: U+1F625
  • Hex code point: 1F625
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