😩 U+1F629 • concerned-faces
The weary face emoji shows a face with furrowed eyebrows, a downward curve of the mouth that looks like a frown, tightly shut eyes, and an overall tired or distressed expression. This emoji is often used to express feelings of extreme exhaustion, frustration, or annoyance. It is commonly associated with moments when someone feels emotionally or physically drained due to stressful situations, hard work, or challenges that feel overwhelming. The weary face is popular in digital communication, as it captures the shared human experience of feeling worn out or fed up. Its recognizable design makes it a quick way to show when things have become a bit too much.
The weary face emoji is also known as Weary Emoji.
The weary face emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09026
concerned-facescryingfacefailfeelshungrymadnooosadsleepytiredunhappywearyCopy the weary face emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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