⤵ U+2935 • arrows
The right arrow curving down emoji shows an arrow pointing to the right before curving downward. The shape resembles a partial U-turn. This emoji is often used to show a decline, a change in direction, or a movement that takes a downward turn. People may use it to represent a setback, a step back for reflection, or a need to revisit and adjust plans. It can also symbolize navigating challenges or taking a moment to regroup before moving forward again. Its meaning can vary depending on the situation, but it usually signals a shift, whether it is physical, emotional, or metaphorical.
The right arrow curving down emoji was approved in Unicode 3.2 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09026
arrowsarrowcurvingdownrightCopy the right arrow curving down emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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