🧘 U+1F9D8 • gender-neutral-person
The person in lotus position emoji is a depiction of someone sitting with their legs crossed in the traditional lotus pose, often associated with meditation and mindfulness practices. The figure is shown with a calm and relaxed demeanor, often with closed eyes, representing inner peace and focus. This emoji is commonly used to convey ideas related to meditation, relaxation, self-care, and mental wellness. Its design highlights balance and serenity, making it a popular symbol for promoting mindfulness and a peaceful state of mind.
The person in lotus position emoji is also known as Meditation Emoji.
The person in lotus position emoji was approved in Unicode 10.0 and added in Emoji 5.0, see related proposal L2/16279
gender-neutral-personkumbh-melaresting-peoplecrossleggedlegslotusmeditationpeacepersonpositionrelaxserenityyogayogizenCopy the person in lotus position emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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