🧘 U+1F9D8 • gender-male
The man in lotus position emoji shows a man peacefully meditating while sitting in the lotus position. His eyes are closed, symbolizing focus and inner calm. This emoji is often used to represent mindfulness, meditation, and self-care practices. It encourages a sense of relaxation, spiritual connection, and mental balance. The pose itself is inspired by traditional meditation practices, particularly in yoga and Buddhism. This emoji is a great way to express dedication to well-being and a calm, centered mindset in messages.
The man in lotus position emoji was approved and added in Emoji 5.0
gender-maleresting-peoplecrossleggedlegslotusmanmeditationpeacepositionrelaxserenityyogayogizenCopy the man in lotus position emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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