😦 U+1F626 • concerned-faces
The frowning face with open mouth emoji shows a face with a downturned, open mouth that suggests a combination of sadness, worry, or surprise. Its expression can represent feelings of unhappiness, concern, or even shock when reacting to a situation or piece of information. This emoji is often used to express discomfort or disapproval, especially when someone encounters something upsetting or unexpected. It is commonly used in both personal and online communication to show emotional responses that include sadness mixed with disbelief or unease.
The frowning face with open mouth emoji is also known as Frowning Emoji.
The frowning face with open mouth emoji was approved in Unicode 6.1 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/10142
concerned-facescaughtfacefrownfrowningguardmouthopenscaredscarysurprisewhatwowCopy the frowning face with open mouth emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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