🛫 U+1F6EB • travel-places
The airplane departure emoji is a graphical representation of an airplane taking off from an airport runway. It typically depicts a medium to large-sized plane, with two or more engines, a tail section, and a cockpit with windows. The airplane is shown in the process of taking off, with its wheels lifting off the ground, and the wings at an angle to generate lift. The design and details of the airplane may vary depending on the platform. This emoji is often used to represent the act of departing, the idea of leaving for a trip or journey, or the start of a new adventure. It can also be used to symbolize the act of travel or transportation, specifically by air. It could also be used to represent the idea of moving on, or beginning a new phase in life, especially when used in context of a farewell or good luck message. Additionally, it could be used as a reminder to catch a flight or an appointment.
Copy the airplane departure emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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