🏋 U+1F3CB • competition
The woman lifting weights emoji shows a female character holding a barbell as she lifts it above her shoulders. This emoji symbolizes strength, fitness, and dedication, highlighting the empowerment of women in the world of sports and physical training. Often used in conversations about workouts, health, and personal fitness goals, it shines a light on the importance of women engaging in strength training. It serves as a fun and motivational way to encourage discussions about fitness, athletic achievements, and leading an active lifestyle.
The woman lifting weights emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0, see related proposal L2/16160
competitiongender-femalesportive-peoplebarbellbodybuilderdeadliftlifterliftingpowerliftingweightweightlifterweightswomanworkoutCopy the woman lifting weights emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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