🙇 U+1F647 • gender-female
The woman bowing emoji shows a woman with her head and upper body leaned forward in a deep bow. This gesture is often used to express respect, apology, or gratitude. It can represent humility or a formal acknowledgment of someone’s importance or influence. People might use this emoji when asking for help, admitting a mistake, or sincerely appreciating someone’s kindness. Its cultural roots are tied to traditions where bowing is a sign of courtesy and reverence.
The woman bowing emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0, see related proposal L2/16160
gender-femalegesturesapologyaskbegbowbowingfavorforgivegesturemeditatemeditationpityregretsorrywomanCopy the woman bowing emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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