🦳 U+1F9B3 • white-hair
The white hair emoji is a digital image that represents a person with white or gray hair. This emoji is part of the collection of "person" emojis and is used to represent people with naturally white or gray hair, which is often associated with aging or genetics. It typically shows only the head and shoulders of a person and includes white or gray hair styled in a simple and neutral way. The white hair emoji can be customized to show a variety of skin tones, making it more inclusive and representative of different people. It was added to the emoji library in 2018 as part of Unicode 11.0 to provide more diversity in the representation of hair colors and styles. People often use it in conversations to talk about aging, family members like grandparents, or to represent wisdom and experience. It can also be used humorously or figuratively in discussions about stress or becoming "older" in a certain context.
The white hair emoji was approved in Unicode 11.0 and added in Emoji 11.0, see related proposal L2/17082
white-hairgrayhairoldwhiteCopy the white hair emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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