video game

video game

🎮 U+1F3AE • activities

What does the 🎮 video game emoji mean?

The video game emoji 🎮 depicts a video game controller, often associated with console gaming. The emoji was added to Unicode in 2010 and can be used to represent video games or gaming culture. It can also be used more generally to represent leisure time or entertainment. The video game emoji shows a gamepad with directional buttons, joysticks, and various other buttons. The design of the gamepad varies depending on the platform, with some versions showing a more realistic design and others showing a more stylized or cartoonish design.

Copy and paste the video game emoji

Copy the video game emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.

🎮 Copy

How video game looks on other platforms

  • Twitter
    video game Twitter emoji
  • Google
    video game Google emoji
  • Apple
    video game Apple emoji
  • Microsoft
    video game Microsoft emoji
  • Facebook
    video game Facebook emoji
  • Messenger
    video game Messenger emoji
  • Whatsapp
    video game Whatsapp emoji
  • Samsung
    video game Samsung emoji
  • Lg
    video game Lg emoji
  • Htc
    video game Htc emoji
  • Mozilla
    video game Mozilla emoji
  • Softbank
    video game Softbank emoji
  • Docomo
    video game Docomo emoji
  • Openmoji
    video game Openmoji emoji

Information about the 🎮 video game emoji

  • Full Name: 🎮 video game
  • Category: activities
  • How to type shortcode:
  • Unicode (fully qualified): U+1F3AE
  • Hex code point: 1F3AE
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