twelve o’clock Emoji

Twelve o’clock

🕛 U+1F55B • travel-places

Twelve o’clock emoji meaning

The twelve o'clock emoji is a graphical representation of the number "12" on a clock face. It is often depicted as a clock face with the number "12" in the top position, and the two clock hands pointing straight up, indicating the time of 12:00 PM or 12:00 AM. The design and details of the 12 o'clock emoji may depend on the platform, but it is generally recognizable as a clock showing the time of 12:00. This emoji is often used to symbolize time, punctuality, and to indicate a specific time. It can be used to indicate that it's noon or midnight, or to express the idea of starting or ending a certain period of time. Additionally, it could be used to indicate a reminder or deadline, or to express the idea of being aware of the time. Sometimes it could also be used in a playful or lighthearted way to indicate that time is running out for a fun activity or game, or for a competition.

Copy and paste the twelve o’clock emoji

Copy the twelve o’clock emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.

🕛 Click to copy

Twelve o’clock in other languages

How twelve o’clock looks on other platforms

twelve o’clock Twitter emoji


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twelve o’clock Openmoji emoji


  • Full Name: twelve o’clock
  • Category: travel-places
  • Unicode: U+1F55B
  • Hex code point: 1F55B
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