🚟 U+1F69F • travel-places
The suspension railway emoji is a graphical representation of a suspension railway, which is a type of transportation system that uses hanging cars suspended from an overhead rail. It's often depicted as a long and narrow rail that hanging from elevated pylons, with one or multiple cars suspended from it. The cars are usually shown with a open top and with a few doors, it may also have a window and seating area. The design and details of the suspension railway may vary depending on the platform. The suspension railway emoji is often used to symbolize transportation and urban mobility. It can be used to represent the idea of moving over a city, or reaching a destination in a modern, efficient and sustainable way. It could also be used to represent the idea of urban development and progress, especially in the context of public transportation systems. It could also be used to indicate the idea of being suspended in the air, or being in a state of uncertainty or unpredictability. It is als
The suspension railway emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09114
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