⏹ U+23F9 • av-symbols
The stop button emoji is a basic square-shaped icon that represents stopping, halting, or ending an action. It is often associated with media controls, such as stopping a video, song, or other types of playback. The straightforward design of this emoji makes it an easy-to-recognize symbol for bringing something to a complete stop. Additionally, it is sometimes used in written conversations or digital presentations to signal the end of a process or to emphasize the need to pause or stop moving forward. Its clean and simple look ensures it can effectively convey its message across different platforms.
The stop button emoji was approved in Unicode 7.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/11052
av-symbolsbuttonsquarestopCopy the stop button emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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