🤣 U+1F923 • smiling-faces
The rolling on the floor laughing emoji is a visual representation of someone laughing so hard that they appear to be rolling on the floor. The face shows tears streaming down from laughter, a wide open mouth, closed eyes, and is tilted sideways to emphasize the dramatic reaction. It is used to express extreme amusement, often when something is hilariously funny, much more than what a regular laughing emoji would convey. The term ROFL, which stands for rolling on the floor laughing, is commonly associated with this emoji. It exaggerates the reaction of laughing out loud, making this emoji ideal for moments of uncontrollable, hysterical laughter.
The rolling on the floor laughing emoji is also known as ROFL Emoji.
The rolling on the floor laughing emoji was approved in Unicode 9.0 and added in Emoji 3.0, see related proposal L2/15054
smiling-facescryingfacefloorfunnyhahahappyhehehilariousjoylaughlmaololroflroflmaorollingtearCopy the rolling on the floor laughing emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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