person in motorized wheelchair facing right Emoji

Person in motorized wheelchair facing right

🧑 U+1F9D1 • activities-hobbies

Person in motorized wheelchair facing right emoji meaning

The person in motorized wheelchair facing right is an emoji that shows an individual using a powered wheelchair. In the image, the person is seated in a wheelchair that is designed to move using an electric motor. This emoji is used to represent individuals with mobility challenges who use motorized wheelchairs for independence and accessibility. The emoji is inclusive and aims to highlight the diverse experiences of people with disabilities. It can be used in conversations about accessibility, representation, or simply to show support and awareness for those living with mobility needs. This emoji is part of the effort to increase inclusivity and representation in digital communication. Introduced in 2019 as part of Unicode 12.0, this emoji is available on most modern devices and platforms. It helps create a more inclusive communication environment where people of all abilities can feel represented. Typically, you will find this emoji in various styles depending on the platform being used, but the core image remains the same: a person confidently using a motorized wheelchair.

The person in motorized wheelchair facing right emoji was approved and added in Emoji 15.1, see related proposal L2/23030


Copy and paste the person in motorized wheelchair facing right emoji

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Person in motorized wheelchair facing right in other languages

شخص على كرسي متحرك كهربائي متجه لليمين
坐電動輪椅的人 面右
personne en fauteuil motorisé vers la droite
Person in elektrischem Rollstuhl nach rechts
मोटर व्हीलचेयर पर बैठा व्यक्ति दाईं ओर चेहरा घुमाए
persona su sedia a rotelle motorizzata a destra
電動車椅子の人 右向き
오른쪽을 향한 전동 휠체어를 탄 사람
pessoa em cadeira de rodas motorizada de frente para a direita
persona en silla de ruedas eléctrica hacia la derecha
sağa dönük elektrikli tekerlekli sandalyede kişi

How person in motorized wheelchair facing right looks on other platforms

person in motorized wheelchair facing right Google emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Microsoft emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Twitter emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Apple emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Facebook emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Lg emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Mozilla emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Samsung emoji


person in motorized wheelchair facing right Whatsapp emoji


  • Full Name: person in motorized wheelchair facing right
  • Category: activities-hobbies
  • Emoji Version: Emoji 15.1
  • Unicode: U+1F9D1
  • Hex code point:
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