🏌 U+1F3CC • competition
The person golfing emoji shows a person swinging a golf club, usually captured in the middle of their swing. This emoji represents the sport of golf and is often associated with relaxation, recreation, or enjoying time on the golf course. It is frequently used to talk about golfing activities, sports, outdoor plans, or spending leisure time. This emoji can also reflect themes of precision and skill, qualities often linked to the game of golf. Icons like this help users quickly communicate ideas about hobbies or weekend events in a fun and simple way.
The person golfing emoji was approved in Unicode 7.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/11052
competitiongender-neutral-personsportive-peopleballbirdiecaddydrivinggolfgolfinggreenpersonpgaputtrangeteeCopy the person golfing emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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