π U+1F610 β’ neutral-skeptical-faces
The neutral face emoji shows a face with straight, closed lips and simple, steady eyes. It reflects an absence of strong emotions and is often used to show feelings of indifference, a neutral stance, or a calm, deadpan expression. This emoji is neither happy nor sad, making it a good choice when you want to express a "meh" attitude or when you feel unimpressed or neutral about a situation. It is a balanced way to communicate a lack of strong reaction, sitting right between positive and negative emotions.
The neutral face emoji is also known as Deadpan Emoji, Blank Stare Emoji.
The neutral face emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/11052
neutral-skeptical-facesawkwardblankdeadpanexpressionlessfacefinejealousmehneutralohshadestraightunamusedunhappyunimpressedwhateverCopy the neutral face emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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