🧿 U+1F9FF • other-objects
The nazar amulet emoji shows a blue and white symbol that looks like an eye. This design is inspired by the traditional nazar amulet, which is used in many cultures to protect against the "evil eye." The evil eye is a belief that a harmful look or stare can cause bad luck, harm, or misfortune. People believe that the nazar amulet can block or reflect negative energy and keep the wearer safe. The emoji is often used in messages to symbolize protection, spirituality, or the idea of staying safe from negative influences. This symbol is especially popular in countries like Turkey, Greece, and parts of the Middle East and Asia. It serves as both a cultural tradition and a symbol of hope for good fortune and safety.
The nazar amulet emoji was approved in Unicode 11.0 and added in Emoji 11.0, see related proposal L2/17058
other-objectsamuletbeadbluecharmevil-eyenazartalismanCopy the nazar amulet emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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