middle finger

middle finger

🖕 U+1F595 • people-body

What does the 🖕 middle finger emoji mean?

The middle finger emoji, also known as the flipping the bird or the bird emoji, is a hand gesture emoji that is used to express a variety of emotions and sentiments, such as anger, frustration, or defiance. It is depicted as a raised middle finger, which is the finger between the index finger and the ring finger, with the other fingers curled into the palm. The gesture is generally considered rude or offensive in most cultures, and is often used to show disrespect or defiance towards someone or something.

Copy and paste the middle finger emoji

Copy the middle finger emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.

🖕 Copy

How middle finger looks on other platforms

  • Twitter
    middle finger Twitter emoji
  • Google
    middle finger Google emoji
  • Apple
    middle finger Apple emoji
  • Microsoft
    middle finger Microsoft emoji
  • Facebook
    middle finger Facebook emoji
  • Messenger
    middle finger Messenger emoji
  • Whatsapp
    middle finger Whatsapp emoji
  • Samsung
    middle finger Samsung emoji
  • Lg
    middle finger Lg emoji
  • Htc
    middle finger Htc emoji
  • Mozilla
    middle finger Mozilla emoji
  • Softbank
    middle finger Softbank emoji
  • Docomo
    middle finger Docomo emoji
  • Openmoji
    middle finger Openmoji emoji

Information about the 🖕 middle finger emoji

  • Full Name: 🖕 middle finger
  • Category: people-body
  • How to type shortcode:
  • Unicode (fully qualified): U+1F595
  • Hex code point: 1F595
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