🧜 U+1F9DC • fantasy
The merperson emoji shows a mythical creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish. This emoji is designed to be gender-inclusive, making it a way to represent mermaids, mermen, or merfolk as a whole. It is often used when talking about the ocean, mythology, or anything magical and enchanting. In myths and legends, merpeople are frequently tied to the sea and often symbolize mystery, beauty, and allure. This emoji can also remind people of Triton, a well-known figure from Greek mythology who is considered the messenger of the sea. It's a creative and versatile symbol for anything related to underwater worlds or fantastical stories.
The merperson emoji was approved in Unicode 10.0 and added in Emoji 5.0, see related proposal L2/16304
fantasygender-neutral-personcreaturefairytalefolkloreoceanseasirentridentCopy the merperson emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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