🙎 U+1F64E • gender-male
The man pouting emoji shows a male character with a sulky or unhappy expression on his face. This emoji is often used to represent feelings of annoyance, dissatisfaction, or a pouty mood. Its design typically features a man with furrowed eyebrows and a mouth turned down into a frown, emphasizing a sense of frustration or discontent. People might use this emoji to express grumpiness, disappointment, or when they are feeling upset in a lighthearted or playful way. It is one of many emojis that help communicate emotions and facial expressions through text.
The man pouting emoji was approved and added in Emoji 4.0
gender-malegesturesdisappointeddowntroddenfrowngrimacemanpoutingscowlsulkupsetwhineCopy the man pouting emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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