🫷 U+1FAF7 • hands
The leftwards pushing hand emoji shows a hand facing to the left with an open palm, appearing as though it is pushing an object or signaling something. This gesture can represent different actions depending on the context. It can be used to symbolize pushing something away, asking someone to wait, setting a boundary, or even expressing a polite refusal. In digital conversations, it is a versatile way to communicate ideas like pause, stop, or lightly rejecting something. It is also sometimes interpreted as offering a high five or showing a directional cue to the left.
The leftwards pushing hand emoji was approved in Unicode 15.0 and added in Emoji 15.0, see related proposal L2/21216
handsblockfivehalthandhighholdleftwardleftwardspausepushpushingrefuseslapstopwaitCopy the leftwards pushing hand emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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