U+1FABE • plants
The leafless tree emoji depicts a tree with bare branches and no leaves. This emoji is often associated with trees during the winter season when they lose their leaves as part of their natural cycle. It can also symbolize a tree that has been affected by drought or has died, leaving it barren. Beyond its literal meaning, this emoji is sometimes used to express feelings of emptiness, the passage of time, or the conclusion of a phase or event. It serves as a simple yet powerful image to represent change, endings, and the natural rhythms of life.
The leafless tree emoji was approved in Unicode 16.0 and added in Emoji 16.0, see related proposal L2/23255
plantsbarebarrenbranchesdeaddroughtleaflesstreetrunkwinterwoodCopy the leafless tree emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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