9 U+39 • keycaps
The keycap 9 emoji is a symbol that showcases the number 9 inside a rectangular or square-shaped keycap design. This emoji is often used to represent the number nine in a variety of contexts, such as counting, sequences, or specific numeric references like phone numbers. Its design mimics the look of keys found on keyboards or keypads, making it recognizable and easy to understand. The keycap 9 emoji is part of a broader series of keycap emojis representing numbers from zero to nine. It is commonly used in digital communication to emphasize the number nine or to add visual clarity to numerical information.
The keycap: 9 emoji is also known as 9 Nine Emoji.
The keycap: 9 emoji was approved and added in Emoji 3.0, see related proposal L2/09026
keycapskeycapCopy the keycap: 9 emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
9 Click to copyMicrosoft
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