8 U+38 • keycaps
The keycap 8 emoji shows the number 8 inside a box, similar to a button on a keyboard or keypad. It is often used to represent the number eight in a clear and simple way, especially in contexts like phone numbers or lists. The number eight itself is widely recognized in mathematics and everyday counting, and it also carries cultural significance in various traditions. For example, the number eight is considered lucky in some cultures, symbolizing balance or infinity when turned on its side. This emoji combines the practicality of a keycap design with the universal importance of the number eight.
The keycap: 8 emoji is also known as 8 Eight Emoji.
The keycap: 8 emoji was approved and added in Emoji 3.0, see related proposal L2/09026
keycapskeycapCopy the keycap: 8 emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
8 Click to copyMicrosoft
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